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Determining Your Magnesium Burn Rate



Have you started supplementing with magnesium and yet haven’t quite gotten to the point of consistent relief from symptoms? If so, determining your Magnesium Burn Rate is a strategy you can employ to determine how much magnesium you may be burning and whether or not you may actually need more magnesium to manage your daily stressors. Because, ultimately, that is what is happening within the chemistry of the body – magnesium is being utilized to manage all types of stress and biological functions.  So being aware of your burn rate gives you an idea of how much magnesium you are using. This may be more effective for you than just following the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

It’s fascinating to see all the ways that magnesium can become depleted or burned off. The following list of twenty-six major causes of magnesium deficiency is a good summary and bears review so you can truly understand what we are up against in our magnesium-depleted world:

  1. Athletic performance causes sweat loss of magnesium.
  2. Alcohol causes magnesium depletion due to its diuretic effect.
  3. Antacids counteract stomach acid, decreasing magnesium absorption.
  4. Acid rain is high in nitric acid, which draws calcium and magnesium out of the soil to try and neutralize the acid- ity and consequently depletes the soil of these minerals.
  5. Caffeine causes magnesium depletion with its diuretic effect. It also stimulates the adrenal glands, causing adrenaline surges and magnesium loss.
  6. Most drugs cause magnesium depletion; this is especially true of drugs containing fluorine atoms such as Lipitor, Prozac, and Ciprofloxacin [Cipro].
  7. Fertilizers do not replace necessary minerals but are high in phosphorous, potassium, and nitrogen. Excess potassium and phosphorus are preferentially absorbed into plants, inhibiting magnesium absorption.
  8. Fluoride and fluorine in water, from dental procedures, in toothpaste, and in drugs bind magnesium, making it unavailable to the body. Magnesium fluoride (MgF2), called sellaite, is an insoluble compound and replaces magnesium in bone and cartilage with a brittle, unstable crystalline substance.
  1. Food processing and cooking decrease magnesium levels.
  1. Herbicides such as Roundup bind with magnesium, making it unavailable for plants to utilize for decades.
  1. Pesticides kill worms and bacteria and thus their function of processing the soil and breaking down minerals is lost, which means fewer minerals are absorbed by plants.
  1. Intestinal disease, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), leaky gut, gluten and casein sensitivities, funguses, and parasites, interferes with magnesium absorption.
  2. Junk foods, especially sugar products, drain magnesium. The liver needs twenty-eight atoms of magnesium to process one molecule of glucose. Fructose requires fifty- six atoms of magnesium.
  3. Meat from animals eating magnesium-depleted food is low in magnesium.
  4. Oxalic acid (found in rhubarb, spinach, and chard) and phytic acid (found in cereal grains and soy) block absorption of magnesium.
  5. Low potassium levels can increase urinary magnesium loss.
  6. High-protein diets can decrease magnesium absorption and require more magnesium for digestion and assimilation.
  7. Refining grains, especially rice and wheat, reduces magnesium.
  8. Sauna therapy for weight loss, to detox, or just to stay healthy can cause enough mineral loss through sweating to create magnesium deficiency symptoms.
  9. Soil on farmland is woefully depleted of magnesium.
  10. Soil erosion makes it easier for heavy rain or irrigation to wash away soil, leading to a loss of minerals, including magnesium.
  11. Stress or trauma of any type—physical, mental, emotional, environmental—can cause magnesium deficiency.
  12. Stomach acid deficiency due to stress results in decreased absorption of magnesium.
  13. Tannins in tea bind and remove minerals, including magnesium.
  14. Trans fatty acids and mineral deficiency alter cell wall integrity, making the cell walls more rigid, which affects receptor site function and prevents the flow of nutrients in or out of cells.
  15. Water softening treatment reduces magnesium.

Your Magnesium Burn Rate escalates with every additional stressor. In order to take the right amount of magnesium, you have to get to know your body. And you have to take the right type of magnesium for your body and for your symptoms.

Tonight on LIVE call-in radio talk show, we’ll be talking with Dr. Carolyn Dean about Gauging Your Magnesium Burn Rate along with a wide range of health topics and safe solutions. You will love hearing the beneficial interactions with callers and hosts alike including the body/mind connection, identifying the ‘conflict’ in the ‘conflict basis’ of disease and much more!!

Be sure join us this evening for another wonderful, information packed broadcast. If you yourself are unable to make the show, you have the option to email us and have your question or comment included in our MailBag Segment that is featured in Hour Two. Remember, the valuable information, suggestions, and insights about your health choices should always be discussed with your doctor.

Dr. Carolyn Dean LIVE Radio Broadcast

Every Monday on

4PM Pacific 7PM Eastern

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How to Participate in the Show:

1) If you have a question for Dr. Dean:
email your question prior to the show to

2) If you’d like to speak directly to Dr. Dean during the show:

phone 602-666-6027  skype

3) You can listen to the live broadcast on your computer:

If you are unable to attend the live broadcast  just our visit the archive


+ About Dr. Carolyn Dean


Carolyn Dean MD ND has been on for ten years offering practical strategies to improve health, vitality, and well-being the natural way. As a medical doctor, naturopath, certified clinical nutritionist and master of many modalities including acupuncture and homeopathy, Carolyn Dean MD ND has authored over 33 books and publications including The Magnesium Miracle, 3rd Edition available exclusively at


In addition to the recognition lavished on her by her many customers, clients, and listeners Dr. Dean has received several prestigious awards including “The Arrhythmia Alliance Outstanding Medical Contribution to Cardiac Rhythm Management Services Award 2012” at The Heart Rhythm Congress organized by The Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), Sept 23-26, 2012 and the Integrative Medicine Award presented at the Sacred Fire Gala in September, 2014.


All information provided as a courtesy and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure disease or any other malady. Additionally, we do not propose or intend to imply any benefit from the use of our products! The information and opinions expressed on these broadcasts are are not designed to constitute advice or recommendations as to any disease, ailment, or physical condition. You should not act or rely upon any information contained in these broadcasts without seeking the advice of your personal physician. If you have any questions about the information or opinions expressed during these broadcasts, please contact your doctor.



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