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Barbara Hattemer

When I returned home from my summer in Maine, the first thing I did was make an appointment with my Health Coach for a live blood test. I have stayed on the Plant-based Alkaline Diet for two years now. When I first went to her, I had all kinds of parasites and bacteria in my blood and an excessive amount of fungus, Candida, and heavy metals. My red blood cells were stuck together in unhealthy spirals, and my white blood cells were not moving. She gave me a grade of F on my blood condition.

This time I received an A. My blood looked nearly as healthy as hers and she said I could now occasionally enjoy some of the foods I had given up. Every red blood cell was floating freely and my healthy white blood cells were moving nicely. The fungus and Candida were gone as were most of the heavy metals. The parasites were so diminished they were no longer a problem.

On top of that, I had lost 34 lbs. without even trying. Happy Day!

I give you these personal details in an effort to convince you that healthy eating really does make a difference. It can add years of activity to your life and help you maintain a healthy brain as well.

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