True Health Trust

Eat Right for Your Blood Type – New Edition


We are proud to introduce the revised and updated 20th anniversary edition of Eat Right for Your Type. With millions of people following the Blood Type Diet worldwide, and with all the advancement made in the field of personalized nutrition, we felt twenty years was the perfect time to take stock. One of the remarkable things about the Blood Type Diet is how consistently effective it has been. We’re always looking for ways to use the latest science to make improvements to the diet. And we also listen to you. Your reported experiences have led to important breakthroughs as well and continually propel Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo to develop ways to further personalize nutrition and healthcare. 

The 20th Anniversary edition of EAT RIGHT 4 YOUR TYPE makes this worldwide phenomenon even more accessible, and includes:

  • Personal and actionable health advice, including: 
    • A food and supplement key to reflect choices that best aid weight loss and healthy gut bacteria
    • Instruction on how you should exercise, the efficiency with which you burn calories, and weight loss/gain tendencies
    • Stress management techniques
    • Predisposition to diseases including dementia, ADHD, celiac disease, and even allergies
    • The varying influence of viruses, bacteria, infections, chemicals, and stressors that might compromise your immune system
    • Vaccine sensitivities for each blood type, and what to watch for
  • A NEW “10-Day Blood Type Diet Challenge,” which includes a week and a half of menus and exercise plans for each blood type, and a results quiz so readers can measure their progress
  • Straight talk about fad diets, including paleo, vegan, low-fat, and low-calorie, and why they work for some and not for others
  • Material on the scientific community’s hot topic—the microbiome (gut bacteria)—and a quiz that helps the reader detect whether their diet may be too high in blood type-related lectins (peanuts, lentils, soy, wheat) that interfere with a healthy microbiome
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