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Eat Right for Your Baby



Fertility and Maximum Health During Pregnancy

Now, you can help your baby get started right. It’s never too early to start a healthy blood type diet lifestyle. Help your baby get the best possible start in life with Dr. D’Adamo’s Eat Right 4 Your Baby. Dr. D’Adamo follows his best selling health library with a program designed to provide optimal conditions for fertility as well as for pregnancy and childbirth. Divided into sections for the 4 blood types, Dr. D’Adamo provides nutritional strategies–including recipes–offering detailed advice on what foods to consume, avoid, and how frequently to eat. He also suggests exercises for before and after birth that are based on type. This is a complete, easy-to-use guide that every health conscious parent to-be should have.
431-page paperback book.

Weight .462 kg
Dimensions 10 × 8 × 2 cm

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