True Health Trust

Blood Type Diet Breakfast Smoothie

Eating breakfast in the morning can be challenging for people on the go. Our right for each blood type smoothies are a great way to start the day, and they are part of the 10-Day Blood Type Challenge. They are filled with Beneficial ingredients, assist in cleansing and detoxing, and they taste delicious. Additionally, they […]

Chicken – is it right for your blood type?

History tells us that today’s chickens are descendants of wild fowl that roamed the dense jungles of primeval Asia. Thousands of years later, France’s King Henry IV stated in his coronation speech that he hoped each peasant in his realm would have “a chicken in his pot every Sunday” (a quote later paraphrased by President […]

Blood Groups and the History of People

Blood Groups and the History of People Type O-People with type O blood fare best on intense physical exercise and animal proteins and less well on dairy products and grains, says Dr. D’Adamo. The leading reason for weight gain among Type O’s is the gluten found in wheat products and, to a lesser extent, lentils, […]

The Blood Type Story

By Dr. D’Adamo Certain foods, and food groups act like poisons to certain blood types. What can be a medicine for one person, can be a poison for another. How is this possible? Because of genetics. You were born with a basic blood type. O, A, B, or AB. You got it from your parents […]

Blood Type Influences Breast Milk

Blood type and secretor status can influence the breast milk of nursing mom’s. Mom’s secretor status has a lot of influence on the microbiome of her breast-fed child. The principal sugars in human breast milk are rich in the glycan fucose, but milk from non-secretor moms is much lower in its fucose content. Bifidobacterium longum, […]

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