Meet Our Practitioners
Our Staff are all well trained to be able to give you the best treatment for your needs.

Andrew Allin
Massage TherapistHi, my name is Andrew Allin. I moved to West Kelowna from White Rock in 2001 and have been living in...

Izabella Zalewski
PractitionerIzabella Zalewski is Registered Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors with over 20...

Lorraine Andres RHNP
Natural MicroscopyThe ‘True Health Canada’ clinic opened at the start of 2016. A long, windy road has brought me ...
We can make a smile

We are proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive services to meet the needs of adults, seniors, and pediatric patients. Our team of professional caregivers specialize in providing personalized medical care, rehabilitative therapy and companion assistance.

Nat Mlikotic
Kelowna – March 2017
I want to thank you for your services for it has changed my life. I went to the doctor for a full physical and she checked my heart; we are good to go. All the tests came back normal.I think it was because I changed my diet and way of life. I got the book on Eat Right for your Blood type and am following it. I’ve lost 15 pounds and feel great. I have more energy and am more upbeat. I understand now how my body works and how food is very important. I still take supplements; calcium, the Remag (magnesium) and Omega 3’s. I guess that’s it for now.

Mark and Candace Reutlinger
I was very ill after having a bacteria in my stomach, and then two weeks of several antibiotics a few times a day only compounded my problems. I was at my wits end, not knowing where to go or what to do in order to “get my health back”. Tired of treating symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem; I was unable to work, had quit my job and was feeling hopeless. On top of all of this my husband had been to Victoria for a procedure on his heart in May and another one in October. He was tired all of the time and not prepared to be on medications for the rest of his life not knowing what the side affects would entail. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted a card that said “Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired” and blurted out ‘yes’ in an office full of people. I took the card home, went to the website to read up about it, and felt some encouragement that there were options. My first appointment with Lorraine in her office was an eye opening experience. Seeing my blood at work; what was going wrong, why and what to do about it. My questions were answered and my concerns were validated by only looking at my blood sample under a microscope; blood doesn’t lie. I left the office that day with so much information that I was overwhelmed at first, but Lorraine was only an email away with answers and encouragement. Both my husband and I noticed a difference in my health in less than a week. After seeing this amazing turnaround he knew that he wanted an appointment for Live blood analysis as well. At his appointment he was amazed at how Lorraine was able to tell him how the condition of his blood was affecting his overall health, why, and what to do to correct these issues as well. By weeks end he had energy again for the first time in a long time. It was as simple as knowing our blood type and recognizing the changes we needed to make in order to feed our bodies the way they were intended to be fed, along with some herbal choices to correct the acute problems. Less than two months into this lifestyle change I am working again and able to do more in one day than I could manage in a whole week before. My husband goes to work, comes home and still has energy to keep going and get things done at home too. He has been able to get off of his post surgical medications with his cardiologists approval. We are both feeling optimistic and very thankful for Lorraine’s knowledge, support, and non-judgemental approach that played a huge role in us getting our lives back on track. Just a quick add-on to say that we have implemented some of these changes in our 13 year old dogs life and are getting so much joy out of seeing him bounce around like a puppy again.

Ken Fraser
This was my first “live blood analysis” experience. After talking to several of my friends who have had this done, they did not have the same explanation experience that I did. Lorraine took the time to go over and explain to me what was under the microscope! I think what impressed me most… was the fact that there were 3 particles in my blood that she was not familiar with and certainly were not on the blood sample charts. She told me that she would show these to a doctor and find out what they were and get back to me. She did get back to me with the results, after a group session with 14 others. The results weren’t life threatening! Thank goodness! However, I did have a better understanding of how critical my sugar intact was. I’ve tried to quit eating and drinking so much sugar in the past, without success. I always went back to the coke, french fries, ice cream and chocolate bars. Since eliminating these “killers” from my diet, I feel a lot better and I’m losing weight as well. All positive results! Thanks Lorraine.

Barbara Hattemer
When I returned home from my summer in Maine, the first thing I did was make an appointment with my Health Coach for a live blood test. I have stayed on the Plant-based Alkaline Diet for two years now. When I first went to her, I had all kinds of parasites and bacteria in my blood and an excessive amount of fungus, Candida, and heavy metals. My red blood cells were stuck together in unhealthy spirals, and my white blood cells were not moving. She gave me a grade of F on my blood condition.
This time I received an A. My blood looked nearly as healthy as hers and she said I could now occasionally enjoy some of the foods I had given up. Every red blood cell was floating freely and my healthy white blood cells were moving nicely. The fungus and Candida were gone as were most of the heavy metals. The parasites were so diminished they were no longer a problem.
On top of that, I had lost 34 lbs. without even trying. Happy Day!
I give you these personal details in an effort to convince you that healthy eating really does make a difference. It can add years of activity to your life and help you maintain a healthy brain as well.