True Health Trust

Better Brain Health – Know the facts and what you can do to improve it

“Put Your Head on My Shoulder”

‘Put your head on my shoulder
Hold me in your arms, baby
Squeeze me oh so tight
Show me that you love me too’
Do these words ring any memory bells?

“Put Your Head on My Shoulder” was written and recorded by Canadian singer songwriter
Paul Anka in August 1958 and released in 1959. The song became very
successful, reaching number 2 on the Billboard Hot 100. It may be a long time ago, but
you can still hear this song today and it holds a lot of meaning, too!

How precious is our brain? If we understand the strengths and weaknesses, causes and
cures, you’ll be reaching for someone’s shoulder, or at least a real soft pillow.

Did you know…

An adult brain weighs about 3 pounds and is about 60% fat.
About 75 percent of the brain is made up of water. This means that dehydration, even in
small amounts, can have a negative effect on the brain functions.
The human brain will grow three times its size in the first year of life. It continues to
grow until you’re about 18 years old.

The brain of a human contains approximately one hundred billion neurons
It is a myth that humans only use 10 percent of our brain. We actually use all of it. We’re
even using more than 10 percent when we sleep.

Information runs between neurons in your brain for everything we see, think, or do.
These neurons move information at different speeds. The fastest speed for information to
pass between neurons is about 250 mph.

The brain can’t feel pain. It interprets pain signals sent to it, but it does not feel pain.
A brain freeze is really a sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. It happens when something
you eat or drink that’s cold. It chills the blood vessels and arteries in the very back of the
throat, including the ones that take blood to your brain. These constrict when they’re cold
and open back up with they’re warm again, causing the pain in your forehead.
The human brain begins to lose some memory abilities as well as some cognitive skills
by your late 20s.

The human brain gets smaller as we get older. This usually happens sometime after
middle age.

Your brain uses 20 percent of the oxygen and blood in your body.
Alcohol affects your brain in ways that include blurred vision, slurred speaking, an
unsteady walk, and more. These usually disappear once you become sober again.
However, if you drink often for long periods of time, there is evidence that alcohol can
affect your brain permanently and not reverse once you become sober again. Long term
effects include memory issues and some reduced cognitive function.

Oh, wait one minute. Read that last sentence again.
That’s worth looking into a little deeper.
What is alcohol and how is alcohol made?
The type of alcohol in the alcoholic drinks we drink is a chemical called ethanol. To
make alcohol, you need to put grains, fruits or vegetables through a process called
fermentation (when yeast or bacteria react with the sugars in food – the by-products are

1.Ethanol and 2. Carbon dioxide).
noun: ethanol
1. a colorless volatile flammable liquid which is produced by the natural
fermentation of sugars; alcohol.
“yeast used in making beer metabolizes the sugar into ethanol”
1. Ethanol, often in high concentrations, is used to dissolve many water-insoluble
medications and related compounds. Liquid preparations of crack cocaine, pain
medication, and mouth washes may be dissolved in 1 to 25% concentrations of ethanol
and may need to be avoided in individuals with adverse reactions to ethanol such
as alcohol-induced respiratory reactions.[19] Ethanol is present mainly as an antimicrobial
preservative in over 700 liquid preparations of medicine including acetaminophen, iron
supplements, ranitidine, furosemide, mannitol, phenobarbital, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxa
zole and over-the-counter cough medicine.[20]2

If ingested orally, ethanol is extensively metabolized by the liver, particularly via
the enzyme CYP450.[21] Ethyl Alcohol increases the secretion of acids in the
stomach.[21] The metabolite acetaldehyde is responsible for much of the short term, and
long term effects of ethyl alcohol toxicity.[22]

2. Carbon Dioxide, CO2, is produced by all aerobic organisms when they metabolize
carbohydrates and lipids to produce energy by respiration.[7] It is returned to water via
the gills of fish and to the air via the lungs of air-breathing land animals, including
humans. Carbon dioxide is produced during the processes of decay of organic materials
and the fermentation of sugars in bread, beer and wine making. It is produced by
combustion of wood and other organic materials and fossil fuels such
as coal, peat, petroleum and natural gas. It is an unwanted by-product in many large
scale oxidation processes, for example, in the production of acrylic acid (over 5 million
tons/year).[8] 4

If you’re following closely, are you beginning to put those two components together?
Let’s look into acetaldehyde a little further.

Magnesium and Alcohol

Alcohol breaks down into acetaldehyde. Dr. Carolyn Dean MD ND further explains
acetaldehyde is a particularly potent toxin that can damage all the tissues in the body
including the brain. It is produced when you drink alcohol, breathe the exhaust from cars
and smoke cigarettes.

With regards to alcohol and pregnancy, alcohol can cause birth defects, including brain,
heart, liver defects, vision or hearing problems, it can cause a preterm birth, low birth
weight, intellectual disabilities, learning and behavior problems, speech and language
delays and other behavioural problems.

Why take the chance? Young women drinking alcohol is not a sign of independence and
equality, it is a marketing victory for those companies that find young women as a niche
market that can be exploited similar to the cigarette commercials that exploited women
by positioning smoking with independence and their “You’ve Come A Long Way, Baby”
slogans and marketing campaigns.

There has been considerable research on acetaldehyde as an air pollutant. It readily
combines with red blood cells, proteins, and enzymes; travels to all parts of the body; and
even passes through the blood brain barrier. It damages the structure of red blood cells
making them unable to squeeze through tiny capillaries to convey oxygen to needy
tissues. Acetaldehyde also blocks the attachment of oxygen to red blood cells. Your brain
uses 20 percent of all the oxygen that you inhale but stiff red blood cells cut down that
amount considerably leaving you with brain fog and oxygen depletion. Imagine what that
does to a developing fetus.

Acetaldehyde damages nerve cells by creating deficiency of an important nerve vitamin,
B1 (thiamine); it undermines vitamin B3 (niacin), the energy and neurotransmitter
vitamin; and disrupts brain function by interfering with vitamin B5.
Alcohol encourages yeast overgrowth which has a whole spectrum of unhealthy

Alcohol depletes a broad range of vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes, proteins
and minerals from your body and your baby’s body. The kingpin to this depletion is
magnesium which is the anti-stress mineral that most men and women are deficient in.
This mineral regulates over 700 enzyme actions in the body and is crucial to overall
health and wellness.

3 What is fermentation?

Wine and cider are made by fermenting fruit, while fermented cereals such as barley and
rye form the basis of beer and spirits.
A drink’s alcohol content is affected by how long it’s left to ferment.
Spirits also go through a process called distillation – where a proportion of the water is
removed, leaving a stronger concentration of alcohol and flavour.
Getting drunk can affect your physical and mental health:

 Accidents and falls are common because being drunk affects your balance and coordination.
In extreme cases, you could die. Overdosing on alcohol can stop you
breathing or stop your heart, or you could choke on your vomit.

 Binge drinking can affect your mood and your memory and, in the longer term,
can lead to serious mental health problems.

More commonly, binge drinking can lead to anti-social, aggressive and violent

5Alcohol is a poison.

It may not seem like it but alcohol is a poison and can sometimes have lethal
Your body can only process one unit of alcohol an hour. Drink a lot in a short space of
time and the amount of alcohol in the blood can stop the body from working properly.
It can:
 slow down your brain functions so you lose your sense of balance.
 irritate the stomach which causes vomiting and it stops your gag reflex from
working properly – you can choke on, or inhale, your own vomit into your lungs.
 affect the nerves that control your breathing and heartbeat, stopping both.
 dehydrate you, which can cause permanent brain damage.
 lower the body’s temperature, which can lead to hypothermia.
 lower your blood sugar levels, so you could have seizures.
Black coffee won’t help. Caffeine blocks the receptors for a brain chemical called
adenosine, whose function is to stop the release of the motivating neurotransmitters
dopamine and adrenalin. With less adenosine activity, levels of dopamine and adrenalin
increase, as do alertness and motivation. The more caffeine a person consumes, the more
the body and brain become insensitive to their own natural stimulants, dopamine and
adrenalin. A person then needs more stimulants to feel normal and will keep pushing the
body to produce more dopamine and adrenalin. The net result is adrenal exhaustion.
When the body can’t produce these important chemicals of motivation and
communication, we begin to see apathy, depression, exhaustion and an inability to cope
set in.

Dr. D’Adamo offers his clinical studies of the effects of caffeine with blood type ‘O’.
They naturally produce adrenaline and noradrenaline levels. Increasing levels of caffeine
results in deterioration of brain function, thinking and altered cognitive skills. A blood
type ‘A’ person has a limited ability to process caffeine, however, the artificial chemicals,

In fact, traditional ways of trying to sober up a friend can do far more harm than good.
Particularly if the friend is actually experiencing acute alcohol poisoning – which can be
difficult to spot initially.

It takes an average adult around an hour to process one unit of alcohol so that there’s none
left in their bloodstream, although this varies from person to person.
What is an alcohol unit?

One unit is 10ml or 8g of pure alcohol. Because alcoholic drinks come in different
strengths and sizes, units are a way to tell how strong your drink is.
Whether you choose to drink wine, beer, or spirits, they all contain alcohol.
The UK Chief Medical Officers’ (CMO) low risk drinking guidelines for men and
women state that to minimise health risks from alcohol, it is safest to drink no more than
14 units a week on a regular basis.

So how does that relate to red wine?

You might be surprised to know that a medium 175ml glass of red wine containing 13%
Alcohol by Volume (ABV) equates to 2.3 units of alcohol. This means drinking more
than six glasses of wine of that strength in a week would put you above the guidelines.
A large 250ml glass of 13% wine contains 3.2 units, which means drinking more than
four glasses in a week would put you above the guidelines.

A 750 ml bottle of red wine containing 13% ABV, equates to 9.8 units of alcohol. This
means that by drinking a bottle of red wine – or 3 large glasses – you would be consuming
more than two thirds of the recommended weekly alcohol limit.

You probably don’t pay much attention to your pancreas. But that small, tadpole-shaped
organ behind your stomach and below your ribcage is pretty important.
It produces two essential substances: digestive juices which your intestines use to break
down food, and hormones that are involved in digestion, such as insulin, which regulates
your blood sugar levels.

Pancreatitis is when your pancreas becomes inflamed and its cells are damaged. Heavy
drinking can cause pancreatitis. But if you drink within the low risk drinking guidelines’,
you should avoid upsetting this important organ.
There are two types of pancreatitis: acute and chronic.
Both types of pancreatitis can be caused by heavy drinking.

Acute pancreatitis

Most cases of acute pancreatitis come on pretty quickly. The pancreas becomes inflamed
but it only stays that way for a few days and there isn’t usually any permanent damage.
However, one in five cases of acute pancreatitis are severe. Enzymes from your pancreas
can get in your blood stream and lead to more serious conditions, like kidney failure.
In England, more than 25,000 people were admitted to hospital with acute pancreatitis
between 2013 and 2014.

Symptoms include:
 abdominal pain, just behind the ribs and spreading through the back
 nausea
 vomiting
 fever
Scientists aren’t sure exactly how alcohol causes the condition. One theory is that the
molecules in alcohol interfere with the cells of the pancreas, stopping them working
properly. Whatever the cause, there is a clear link between drinking alcohol and acute
pancreatitis – and the more alcohol you drink, the higher your risk of developing the

Chronic pancreatitis

Chronic pancreatitis is when the pancreas becomes inflamed and stays that way, causing
it to stop working properly. Between 2012 and 2013, over 35,000 people visited hospitals
in England with chronic pancreatitis.

Symptoms include:
 recurring, severe pain behind the ribs and through the back
 weight loss
 producing greasy, foul-smelling faeces
 back pain
 jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

You’re more likely to have repeated episodes of acute pancreatitis when you drink
heavily. Over time, this will cause permanent damage to your pancreas, causing chronic
pancreatitis. Around seven out of 10 cases of chronic pancreatitis are due to long-term
heavy drinking. And it’s worse if you smoke. Cigarettes are thought to increase the
harmful effects of alcohol on the pancreas.

Gallstones (small stones, usually made of cholesterol that form in the gallbladder) are
another major cause of both types of pancreatitis. Damage from chronic pancreatitis can be irreversible. It’s a painful condition, but in many cases, after years of treatment the pain improves or sometimes disappears. Chronic pancreatitis can put you at risk of other illness, including diabetes and cancer, including pancreatic cancer.

A damaged pancreas cannot make insulin (which you need to regulate your blood sugar).
It usually happens years after the pancreatitis diagnosis. In fact, it’s not unusual for 20
years to go by before diabetes occurs.

Pseudocysts are another common complication of chronic pancreatitis. These are sacs of
fluid that develop on the surface of the pancreas. In many cases, they don’t cause any
symptoms and will only be found if you have a computerised tomography (CT) scan.
However, in some people, pseudocysts can cause bloating, indigestion and abdominal
pain. They affect around one in four people.

Like any health condition that causes you to be in a lot of pain, this stage can affect you
emotionally and harm your mental health. 7
As we recall, alcohol breaks down into acetaldehyde.

How is the liver handling all this acetaldehyde? In many cases, people with alcoholrelated
liver disease (ARLD) don’t have any noticeable symptoms until their liver is badly

Early symptoms (often quite vague):
 abdominal (tummy) pain
 loss of appetite
 fatigue
 feeling sick
 diarrhoea
 feeling generally unwell

Advanced symptoms
As the liver becomes more severely damaged, more obvious and serious symptoms can
develop, such as:
 yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice)
 swelling in the legs, ankles and feet caused by a build-up of fluid (oedema)
 swelling in your abdomen caused by a build-up of fluid known as ascites
 a high temperature (fever) and shivering attacks
 very itchy skin
 hair loss
 unusually curved fingertips and nails (clubbed fingers)
 blotchy red palms
 significant weight loss
 weakness and muscle wasting
 confusion and memory problems, trouble sleeping (insomnia) and changes in your
personality caused by a build-up of toxins in the brain
 passing black, tarry poo and vomiting blood as a result of internal bleeding
 a tendency to bleed and bruise more easily, such as frequent nosebleeds and
bleeding gums
 increased sensitivity to alcohol and drugs because the liver can’t process them
In live blood analysis, figure 1 is an example of several indicators that may be associated
with liver stress and toxins. Anisocytosis results from an anomaly observed as enlarged
red blood cells, macrocytes, which is an indicator of B12 deficiency. Dietary imbalances
are often observed as the cell membranes become disproportionately shaped, versus
healthy normally circular shaped red blood cells, observed in healthy blood. Dehydration
is indicated in ‘bottle-cap’ shaped red blood cells, identified as poikilocytes. As liver
stress continues on a pleomorphic stage of degeneration, thrombocyte aggregation, see
figure 2, may be observed, therefore an indicator of imbalanced blood sugar levels. With
continued alcohol consumption, this may progress into yeast in the plasma and possibly
red blood cell fermentation; an indicator of Candidiasis, a result of increased levels of
acetaldehyde. This will compromise blood flow and in some cases, fibrin in the plasma
forms; a potentially serious condition, requiring prompt changes in diet and lifestyle.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Photo by Lorraine Andres RHNC & Microscopy Practitioner in Nutritional & Dry Morphology Analysis

How important is mental health to you?

When brain health deteriorates it becomes systemic; it is identified in the blood as
systemic disorganization. We can follow the systemic path through all organs as they
react to unwelcome invaders, aka ‘unnatural chemicals’ and toxins as they imbalance the
pH buffers.

Alcohol pickles your brain.

As soon as a person starts getting drunk, damage to the brain begins. The brain is
incapable of detoxifying alcohol, so once the liver’s capacity is exceeded, alcohol starts
to loosen up and disrupt normal communication signals in the brain, worsening memory.
Many songs correlate alcohol with relationship breakups to ‘forget’ and move on.
Memory is worsened by alcohol because it dissolves fatty acids within brain cells and
replaces the beneficial brain-building omega-3 DHA with a poor substitute,
docosapentaenoic acid or DPA. It also blocks the conversion of fats into DHA and
prostaglandins. These are the main reasons why alcohol is associated with mental
impairment. The more you drink the more nutrients you need, as vitamins are depleted.
Alcohol is a neurotoxin. Evidence supports that high alcohol consumers have impaired
intellectual performance, which is more than 2-3 drinks a day.

Further studies have confirmed the greatest risk in women who have just become
pregnant is two days before or after the moment of conception. This results in ‘foetal
alcohol syndrome’, a condition that affects growth, the nervous system and intellectual

Why traditional treatments fail.

Homocysteine levels are often accompanied with alcohol abuse, which is a potentially
harmful sulphur bearing amino acid produced in the body. Elevated levels in the blood
may be further related to Alzheimer’s, depression, schizophrenia and autism.
This is a recommended test that may be requested through your ND, yet rarely requested.
Most addicts are born with subnormal moods. For example, anyone born into a family
where alcohol, drugs, food addictions, and /or significant mood problems exist can easily
inherit deficiencies in the production of the natural mood boosters produced by the brain.
Many people have tried to quit many times, yet continued to fail. Don’t be discouraged;
rather be proud of yourself for trying. If you are such a person, and know that you are
not lacking in motivation, you are one of 90% of those who have never been exposed to
anything other than the standard psychological and spiritual approaches to recovery.
Excellent as they may be, they don’t address the primary cause of addiction, which is
physical, not psychological or spiritual. Unless a program treats the biological core of
addiction, it becomes a setup for relapse, shame, and despair.

As new addictive drugs, cocaine, marijuana and pills of all kinds become stronger,
cravings for these drugs and alcohol cannot be overcome, despite all the psychological
victories, with psychotherapy treatments.

Addictions attract bad-mood foods. Replace the sweets with raw veggies, keep them
accessible. It does fill the gap and the bad cravings will eventually go away. Persevere!
You can reverse symptoms and rebalance your body, mind and soul.
Holistic recovery begins with finding nutritional, emotional, spiritual and physical

Start by finding a qualified Registered Holistic Nutritionist. Not all Nutritionists or
dieticians have training or experience in mental health and nutrition, so ask around. Find
a Psychotherapist or counsellor. Search for someone that is able to help you in your
particular situation, as some have more training than others. If you suffer from more
extensive health issues, an MD or Naturopathic Doctor will need to be seen. There are
cases where hospitalization is required for short term. Hospitals, however, seldom follow
directions of a nutritionist. What is worse, hospital diets usually include wheat, sugar,
dairy and copious amounts of coffee and tea, none of which is going to aid recovery.
Halfway houses offer an alternative, where family and friends can offer support.
This is not a hurdle one takes alone. This is your team that you will require to help you
get back on the road, firing on all cylinders. 10 You are not the first to go through this
and won’t be the last. Thousands have been on this road and successfully managed to get
back on the right path.

I concur with Psychotherapist, Patrick Holford, who shares his beliefs, ‘the future of
mental health care will be best served by having doctors working closely with nutritional
therapists and psychotherapists with halfway houses offering people a chance to
rebalance their psyche, their body and brain, with healthy eating, exercising and
psychological support. Once achieved, most people can find their way back into the
world and lead a meaningful existence. Visit our partners, – leaders in fashionable footwear!

A nutritional plan begins with reducing homocysteine levels, while building a nutrient
rich diet.

A Brain-friendly Diet.

Your ‘Master Plan Supplement Schedule’, is to be tailored to each individual, and will
change over time as certain needs decrease and different ones are tried. A foundation is
required to correct imbalances until symptoms diminish.

To fine tune your brain, the starting point is to follow a nutrition diet and take daily

Whether or not there is a mental health problem, this regime can increase your mental
energy, improve your mood and sharpen your mind.

A detox specialist is recommended, as caution must be exercised with those prone to
seizures. Detox bathes pull toxins out through the skin; soak only up to 20 minutes.
Other alternative therapies include Colonic Hydrotherapy, EFT (Emotional Freedom
Technique), Live and Dry Blood Analysis (to keep you on task), Hair Tissue Mineral
Analysis (identify heavy metal toxins and mineral imbalances), Hypnotherapy, Massage,
Reflexology and whole body vibration therapy (which stimulates circulation and

First and foremost: Drink water; preferably ionized water. Ionized water is an
antioxidant, a priority for brain and body. The minimum amount is your body weight in
pounds, divided by 2 which is the amount in ounces of water your body needs daily. This
increases with exercise, weather, diarrhea, etc.

The following food suggestions are not adjusted according to blood type. I encourage
you to add a BT food guide, as food intolerances and allergies will hinder positive
outcomes. Beneficial foods for your blood type will enhance recovery.
~Eat wholefoods
– wholegrains, lentils, beans, nuts, seeds, fresh fruit and vegetables. Avoid refined,
white and overcooked foods.
~Eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
-Watercress, carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, brussel sprouts, spinach, green
beans or peppers, 75% raw 25% lightly steamed
~Fresh fruits, preferable low glycemic.
-apples, pears, berries and citrus fruit
~Eat four or more servings per day of wholegrains
-brown basmati rice, millet, rye, oats, quinoa, spelt breads and pasta
~Avoid any form of sugar, foods with added sugar and artificial sugar substitutes
~Eat protein foods with carbohydrate foods
-fruit with nuts or seeds, rice with beans
~Cold water fish
-herring, mackerel, wild salmon, fresh sardines two-three times per week
~Eat eggs
-20g of protein takes 3 eggs, organic, free-run (from hens fed organic grains)
~Seeds and Nuts
-flaxseeds, hemp, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame. Increase nutrients by grinding just
before eating; sprinkle in soups and on salads
~Cold-pressed oils
-all blood types benefit from cold-pressed organic olive oil, others include
flaxseed, hemp and walnut oil
Minimize intake of fried foods, processed food, saturated fats and dairy products.
When possible, consult with a qualified practitioner who can determine appropriate
choices, rather than self-supplementation when developing your brain-friendly

Since the brain uses about a third of all nutrients from food, following a proper protocol
will maximize your intake of nutrients. Supplements should be taken on a daily basis to
ensure optimum nutrition for the mind.

A quality Multimineral/vitamin, Pico-Ionic Magnesium, minimum 25 mg Methylated
B’s, and1000-1200 mg daily of a healthy fish oil/Omega 3 containing DHA/EPA, all in
proper forms, amounts and ratios. These work as a team and taken under the guidance of
a trained nutritional practitioner.

Common supplements at local stores are filled with synthetic fillers, artificial sweeteners
and lab-made mirrored forms with poor absorption rates. Amino Acids, proven to be the
missing links, must be high quality. Research has directed attention to the successful
synergistic Reset supplements, from Dr. Carolyn Dean.

Her product line is Doctor created, Doctor supported and Doctor recommended.
Are you currently on other prescription medications (SSRI’s) and not getting the relief
you need? Then I believe you should explore other nutritional options. SSRI’s are
questionable and expensive; natural alternatives are readily at hand and have no side
effects. Natural alternatives should be your first try and a traditional approach second.
The goal is to nutritionally nourish and nurture our brain. If the body reaches
homeostasis, addictions do not return. Good moods return. It works, science tested and
people proven.

Reach for that pillow or a soft shoulder, your actions show you care about your health.


6:30 a.m. Drink 4-5 glasses of ionized water first thing in the morning.
Take a Live Enzyme supplement
7:00 a.m. Breakfast Smoothie (Use Blood Type (BT) guide)
½ c. your choice of BT milk (almond, rice…)
¾ c. ionized water
½ c. blueberries
½ c. chopped apple
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 20g scoop of protein powder
½ c. cooked brown basmati rice (fills you up and digests slow)
1 Tbsp. organic agave syrup (or according to taste)
Pre/probiotic taken with food; add mineral/vitamin supplements
500ml Water
10:00 a.m. Mid-morning Snack
Make a mixture of 6 Almonds, ½ oz Pumpkin Seeds, ½ oz Walnuts and 4 Macadamia
nuts with a fruit of your choice
500 ml Water
12:00 Lunch
3 hard boiled eggs, cut over a spinach salad, grated carrots and zucchini, and broccoli
bits. Dribble organic Olive oil with Elderberry juice and top with sesame or sunflower
seeds. Serve with toasted garlic Spelt toast on the side.
500 ml Water
2:30 p.m. Mid-Day Snack
Raw Carrot sticks, Kohlrabi sticks, celery sticks and a few radishes
500 ml Water
5:30 p.m. Dinner
Baked Wild Salmon with Quinoa stir fried in Olive oil with assorted peppers, garlic and
onion bits. Serve with lightly steamed Brussels sprouts
Evening 500 ml Water (1 hr. before meals, 1 ½ hrs. after a meal)
(You are dehydrated. You need to learn how to drink more water.)
2. Adams KE, Rans TS (December 2013). “Adverse reactions to alcohol and alcoholic
beverages”. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 111 (6): 439–
45. doi:10.1016/j.anai.2013.09.016. PMID 24267355.
3. Carolyn Dean, MD, ND
Research Studies
J Am Coll Nutr. 1994 Oct;13(5):416-23.
Magnesium deficiency and alcohol intake: mechanisms, clinical significance and possible
relation to cancer development (a review).
Rivlin RS1.
4, 5. Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia
6. Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, Patrick Holford, page 92
8. Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, Patrick Holford, pg.82,83.
9. The Mood Cure, Nutritional Rehab
10, 11 Optimum Nutrition for the Mind, Patrick Holford, pg.425-37

By: Lorraine Andres RHNP & Certified Nutritional Microscopy Practitioner

TTrue Health Canada
1-1890 Ambrosi Rd.
Kelowna, B.C. V1Y 4R9

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