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The True Secret to Anti-Aging

Aging is the sum total of all the changes that happen to us over the course of our lifetimes from birth to death.

Aging is the sum total of all the changes that happen to us over the course of our lifetimes from birth to death.

Aging is fun when it means celebrating milestone birthdays which allow us “grown up” privileges such as driving or voting.

The fun starts to slow down when we begin getting things pains/aches and wrinkles.

Luckily, there are some foods you can eat to slow the aging process down a bit.

This article outlines 5 of the most beneficial anti-aging foods that can help slow father time down. Even if it’s just a little.

Let’s face it, we’re all trying to do everything we can to stop or slow down the effects of time, so adding these tips to your diet can only help.

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Even the very fit don’t escape the ravages of Father Time. Aging has been shown to slow down the times of marathon runners and affect the performances of elite athletes and chess grandmasters. Age-associated cognitive decline or a reduction in brain power and memory happens to everyone as they get older.

Age-associated cognitive decline or a reduction in brain power and memory happens to everyone as they get older.

Another worrying aspect is that many people become more susceptible to infections and diseases with age. Sometimes it can be hard to separate age-related changes from the onset of an infection or debilitating disease.

For instance, a common belief is that people become cranky, depressed, and withdrawn as they get older. But people’s personalities do not change that much as they grow older. Instead, studies show that such significant changes in personality and behavior may be an early indication of disease or dementia.

Aging affects cells in every major organ in your body, yet many questions still remain as to what triggers aging, why it happens, and what exactly are the biological processes underlying these changes.

So, just why do these changes happen… and what anti-aging steps (if any) can be taken to delay these changes as long as possible?

So, just why do these changes happen… and what anti-aging steps (if any) can be taken to delay these changes as long as possible?

To answer this question, let’s take a look at the so-called “free radical theory of disease and aging.”

What Are Antioxidants and Why Do You Need Them?

Antioxidants are molecules which neutralize harmful free radicals and protect vital cellular structures in your body from their damaging effects. Many antioxidants can be obtained naturally from the foods you eat. Your body also contains antioxidant enzyme systems.

To understand why antioxidants are necessary for your health, let’s first understand what free radicals are and what they do.

To understand why antioxidants are necessary for your health, let’s first understand what free radicals are and what they do.

A free-radical is an ion or molecule that has an unpaired electron in its outermost shell.  (Most of an atom’s electrons associate in pairs.)  A common example of a free radical is superoxide, which is formed by the addition of an electron to an oxygen molecule.  Having an unpaired electron makes a free radical unstable and destructive to nearby molecules.  Free radicals break apart important body molecules by either giving up their unpaired electron to or taking on an electron from another molecule.   


Once this process is started, it can become a cascade, damaging vital structures such as the outer protective membrane of your body’s cells, cellular proteins, and even DNA.

For instance, free radicals known as reactive oxygen species (ROS) are made in your body when oxygen is used to burn fuel and make energy. Getting rid of ROS is essential for life and is normally carried out by your innate antioxidant enzyme system.

Getting rid of ROS is essential for life and is normally carried out by your innate antioxidant enzyme system.

However, when too much of ROS or other free radicals are formed – for example, when you’re exposed to toxic chemicals, infections, and diseases – and your body’s detoxification enzyme system is no longer able to cope, it leads to a situation known as “oxidative stress.”

Thanks to the ever-increasing levels of toxic chemical pollution including factory and automobile exhaust, UV radiation from the sun, plastics, EMF’s, cigarette smoke, pesticides, herbicides, household cleaners, and hundreds of other synthetic products in every aspect of our environment, we’re now being bombarded with many more free radical attacks than ever before. As a result our bodies are experiencing much more oxidative stress than they’re equipped to handle.

Oxidative stress and other forms of free radical-induced damage is believed to be involved in the development of heart disease and stroke, as well as high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related conditions, while also contributing to overall aging.

This is known as the “free radical theory of disease and aging.”

A simple yet effective way of countering the harmful effects of free radicals is to eat right and provide your body with the right nutrition by consuming anti-aging foods and supplements, which contain free-radical fighting antioxidants.

A simple yet effective way of countering the harmful effects of free radicals is to eat right and provide your body with the right nutrition by consuming anti-aging foods and supplements, which contain free-radical fighting antioxidants.

The 5 Most Beneficial Anti-Aging Foods

The 5 Most Beneficial Anti-Aging Foods

Let’s take a look at a few of the best anti-aging foods and food components and understand how they may be able to help fight disease and slow down the aging process.

Anti-aging Food #1: Blueberries

Blueberries, which belong to the same North American family as cranberries and bilberries, lower cholesterol levels, improve glucose control and insulin sensitivity, and lower the risk of subsequent heart disease and diabetes.

These delicious fruits have the highest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit because of their anthocyanin, vitamin C, and vitamin E content. Blueberries also contain significant amounts of vitamin A, selenium, zinc, and iron.

Excitingly, blueberries have been shown to improve memory. In a study involving older adults, 12 weeks of blueberry consumption improved their brain function and memory scores.

12 weeks of blueberry consumption improved their brain function and memory scores

Blueberries have also been shown to slow down age-related vision loss in clinical studies, especially macular degeneration, cataracts, and other retinal disorders. This is because blueberries contain the carotenoid antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to directly benefit retinal health.

Additionally, blueberries protect skin against free radical damage because of sun exposure. Regular blueberry consumption has been shown to reduce muscle soreness after exercise, especially running. Just be sure to consume organic blueberries, otherwise you’ll be taking in harmful pesticides along with the berries.

Blood Type O Secretor (S)- Beneficial, Non-Secretor (NS)- Beneficial

Blood Type A (S)- Beneficial, (NS)- Beneficial

Blood Type B (S)- Neutral, (NS)- Beneficial

Blood Type AB (S)- Neutral, (NS)- Beneficial

Anti-aging Food #2: Turmeric

Turmeric – the yellow-colored root spice in curry dishes – has a long history of use in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian system of medicine. Modern science is still uncovering a growing list of diseases that can be effectively and safely treated by the more than 300 bioactive components in turmeric.

Evidence suggests a close link between inflammation, oxidative stress, and the risk of developing many chronic diseases. A study assessing the effectiveness of various anti-inflammatory compounds found that curcumin – one of the main bioactive ingredients in turmeric – is one of the most effective, comfortably beating aspirin and ibuprofen.

Curcumin and other curcuminoid antioxidants in turmeric will likely play a key role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases triggered or made worse by inflammation, including arthritis, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, many types of cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Curcumin and other curcuminoid antioxidants in turmeric will likely play a key role in the prevention and treatment of many diseases triggered or made worse by inflammation

Curcumin has been shown to be very effective against cancers of the breast, prostate, liver, colon, lung, and pancreas in laboratory conditions.

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease in older Indian adults is 4-5 times less than that of American adults. Some experts believe this is because Indians consume between 25-50 milligrams (mg) of turmeric daily over their entire lifetimes, and preliminary scientific evidence supports this view. (Available at TTrue Health Canada).

(Available at TTrue Health Canada).

Blood Type 0 (S)- Beneficial, (NS)- Neutral

Blood Type A (S)- Beneficial, (NS)- Neutral

Blood Type B (S)- Neutral, (NS)- Neutral

Blood Type AB (S)- Neutral, (NS)- Beneficial

Anti-aging Food #3: Green Tea

Green tea contains many powerful antioxidants including polyphenols known as catechins, which benefit the body by fighting free radical-induced susceptibility to disease and adverse effects of aging.

People who regularly drink green tea are less likely to get common bacterial and viral infections. In other words, green tea consumption boosts the immune system.

green tea consumption boosts the immune system

A study that followed over 40,000 Japanese participants for 11 years showed that participants who drank 5 or more cups of green tea daily had a significantly lower risk of dying due to all causes, especially cardiovascular disease, likely by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Drinking green tea regularly has also been linked to a reduced risk of stroke.

Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most abundant polyphenol antioxidant in green tea. Laboratory studies have shown that EGCG and other green tea antioxidants are toxic to cancer cells, while population studies indicate that green tea consumption is associated with a lower risk for many cancers.

Beneficial for ALL Blood Types!

Pomegranates are incredibly healthy fruits, chock full of antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. They are an excellent source of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and folic acid.

Traditionally, pomegranates are believed to be so useful for maintaining healthy blood circulation that some doctors recommend eating them regularly to regain strength after a long illness. Pomegranates have also been used for clearing up the skin and lowering blood pressure, along with relieving pain, severity of arthritis, and joint inflammation associated with osteoarthritis.

some doctors recommend eating them regularly to regain strength after a long illness

According to another study, antioxidants in pomegranates – including ellagic acid and punicalagin – can prevent harmful oxidization of LDL cholesterol, one of the first steps in the development of heart disease. In fact, regular consumption of pomegranate juice has been shown to reverse the onset of atherosclerosis, lowering the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Finally, flavonoid antioxidants present in pomegranates appear to lower cancer risk.

Blood Type O (S)- Neutral, (NS)- Beneficial

Blood Type A (S)- Neutral, (NS)- Neutral

Blood Types B & AB (S) & (NS)- Avoid

Anti-aging Food #5: Olive Oil

Anti-aging Food #5: Olive Oil

Olive oil, rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), is a major component of the Mediterranean diet. People living in this region tend to have longer life expectancies, along with a lower risk of heart disease and stroke, lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and lower blood pressure, compared with North Americans and Northern Europeans.

Regular consumption of virgin or extra virgin olive oil helps to reduce inflammation and prevents hardening of the arteries and the development of atherosclerosis, lowering the risk of heart disease.

Olive oil consumption may also lower the risk of stroke in older people.

Further, virgin olive oil appears to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias with age; protect the liver from the harmful consequences of oxidative stress; and prevent acute pancreatitis and ulcerative colitis. (Available at TTrue Health Canada).

(Available at TTrue Health Canada).

Beneficial for ALL Blood Types!

The last and the most important: Water. Not tap or bottled, truly healthy water.  The composition of the human body is made up of 62% water.

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truly healthy water.

TTrue Health Canada is now a Kangen water Distributor.


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