True Health Trust

Immune Boosting Vinaigrette – Right for all Blood Types

The proverbial “have you cake and eat it too” is never more apparent than in our Immune Boosting Vinaigrette which is right for all blood types.  This is a wonderful recipe, easy to make that provides yet another way to use Proberry 3, and tart and delicious, immune enhancing blend of concentrations of antioxidant-rich berries […]

A Cancer Fighting Bloody Mary Recipe

  Most of us know that there are a number of foods which are powerful cancer fighters and immune boosters, such as red beets, cruciferous vegetables, garlic, etc. Likewise, most of us have heard about the value of juicing in both cleansing the body of toxins as well as providing valuable nutrition for a healthy […]

How to Use Essential Oil Massage for Cancer Healing

By Ty Bollinger Since before the time of record keeping, essential oils have been used to support the body, mind, and spirit. Many ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Chinese highly prized essential oils, and valued them as sources of healing to include in their traditions of medicine. These days the many beneficial […]

Cancer Fighting Super Berries!

Super foods are not a new concept in the health and nutrition world, but we are proud to create the term “super berries.” What is a super berry? Super berries contain high amounts of specialized nutrients and powerful antioxidants that create apoptosis (pronounced a-pop-toe-ses). Apoptosis, often called “cellular suicide,” is a natural process creating the […]

Honey Carrot Soup

Blood Type Diet Honey Carrot Soup (right for all types) Try out this relatively easy to make and ultra-delicious soup recipe. It is packed full of nutritional goodness and on these cool winter days is the ultimate comfort food.   Ingredients: 1 16 ounce package baby carrots 1 cup chicken broth [or vegetable broth] 1/2 […]

Orange Essential Oil

Now Available at our Kelowna location! 13 Outstanding Benefits of Orange Essential Oil By Marnie Clark There are few things better than the aroma of someone peeling an orange. That zesty, fresh, tangy scent makes your mouth water and sharpens your senses. Such is the power of aromatherapy! Orange is well known for its mood […]

Blood Type Diet Breakfast Smoothie

Eating breakfast in the morning can be challenging for people on the go. Our right for each blood type smoothies are a great way to start the day, and they are part of the 10-Day Blood Type Challenge. They are filled with Beneficial ingredients, assist in cleansing and detoxing, and they taste delicious. Additionally, they […]

How to Use Coffee Enemas to Detoxify & Heal from Cancer

How to Use Coffee Enemas to Detoxify & Heal from Cancer By Dr. David Jockers DC, MS, CSCS The phrase “death begins in the colon” has seemingly become more popular and provides the simplifying truth of the importance of colon and digestive health. All throughout history enemas have been used in different cultures as a reliable […]

The Benefits of Dry Body Brushing

If there’s one thing we should be doing for our skin, it’s Skin Brushing… Dry skin brushing may be the single most important therapy you add to your daily program. Your skin is your largest elimination organ. It releases a pound of waste each day and will be the first organ to show symptoms of […]

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