True Health Trust

7 Lower Back Stretches to Reduce Pain and Build Strength

Lower back pain is a fairly common health concern, as so many things can cause it. In some cases, it might be a symptom of an underlying condition, like kidney stones or acute pancreatitis. Other times, it’s simply a side effect of a sedentary lifestyle or repetitive motions. While stretching isn’t a remedy for all lower back […]

The True Secret to Anti-Aging

Aging is the sum total of all the changes that happen to us over the course of our lifetimes from birth to death. Aging is the sum total of all the changes that happen to us over the course of our lifetimes from birth to death. Aging is fun when it means celebrating milestone birthdays […]

3 Keys to Gut Harmony

The Link between Fats, Fiber and Flora A healthy gut is one of the foundations to strong overall health and longevity. Though people are finally beginning to understand this fact, most are still unaware of how to attain it. This is mostly because having a healthy gut is all about treating it holistically. There is […]

Seaweeds: A Gift from the Sea

There are many kelp or bladderwrack supplements on the market, but only Fucus Plus uses the exclusive “Fucus vesiculosus” species of seaweed harvested by trained marine botanists. This particular variety is of the highest quality and immediately freeze-dried to preserve its well-researched ability to naturally maintain healthy metabolic activity, particularly in blood type O individuals. […]

New at The Clinic – Maca Powder

It is claimed to give stamina, maintain hormonal balance, to treat loss of interest in sex and menopause symptoms, general health and well being, Unlike other energy boosters it does not have any side effects. It has a nutty butterscotch flavor. Beware of very low prices, unscupulous suppliers sometimes cut with other powders. Dried at […]

Magnesium Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

Chronic inflammation—not cholesterol—is the cause of heart disease. Many doctors and research scientists now believe that most chronic diseases may have the same root cause: inflammation. Chronic low-grade inflammation has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. In a study published in the Lancet,1 the world’s leading general medical journal, researchers […]

Find the Best Multi-vitamin: 5 Facts Every Educated Consumer Needs to Know. 

Would it surprise you to know that multi-vitamins are the most common dietary supplement used in the U.S., consumed by nearly a third of all adults? When the average person adds a nutritional supplement to their diet, a multi-vitamin is likely to be the first choice, because it feels to them like they’re taking out […]

The Truth About Cholesterol Levels & Cancer Most MDs Don’t Know

By Dr. Jack Wolfson Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in your body. Often vilified by mainstream medical doctors and the media, cholesterol serves many functions including: cell membrane integrity and function; production of vitamin D; digestion (it is a large component of bile); the precursor to hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, […]

Diabetes, Kidney Disease, and Magnesium Supplementation

Globally, as of 2015, the International Diabetes Federation, reported an estimated 415 million adults are living with diabetes. Yes, that’s more than the population of the U.S. The incidence of diabetes is increasing rapidly, and by 2030, this number will likely double. Many people live with type 2 diabetes for a long period of time […]

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