True Health Trust

Gut-Healing Vegetable Broth

A healthy gut impacts virtually every aspect of our body by improving our immune system and supporting the health of organs such as the heart. This has important knock-on effects on our daily lives by promoting healthy sleep and a better mood. Our gut microbiome is made up of hundreds of different types of bacteria, […]

Recipe – Gingered Squash Soup

With 2018 marking the 20th anniversary of Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo’s Cook Right 4 Your Type, we thought it the perfect time to highlight one of the over 200 original recipes from the book. To keep in tune with the season, we picked a Gingered Squash Soup (pg. 231-232), a warm and hearty dish that is highly […]

Honey Carrot Soup

Blood Type Diet Honey Carrot Soup (right for all types) Try out this relatively easy to make and ultra-delicious soup recipe. It is packed full of nutritional goodness and on these cool winter days is the ultimate comfort food.   Ingredients: 1 16 ounce package baby carrots 1 cup chicken broth [or vegetable broth] 1/2 […]

Humus Recipe

Ingredients: 1 can compliant white beans, rinsed and drained 2 cloves garlic 2 Tablespoon sesame tahini, compliant mayo, or nut butter 1/4 teaspoon chili powder, if allowed 1/2 teaspoon cumin sea salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste a little olive oil How to make it: Blend all ingredients in food processor until smooth, adding olive […]

Recipe – Amaranth Flat Breads/Crackers

AMARANTH FLATBREADS/ CRACKERS These flat breads are high in protein and crisp and tasty. They can be eaten plain or with a spread and can made into smaller circles to act as crackers. Best Used By Blood Types: Type A (3 beneficials) Type A Non Secretor (3 beneficials) Type AB (2 beneficials) Type AB Non […]

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