True Health Trust

Magnesium Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

Chronic inflammation—not cholesterol—is the cause of heart disease. Many doctors and research scientists now believe that most chronic diseases may have the same root cause: inflammation. Chronic low-grade inflammation has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. In a study published in the Lancet,1 the world’s leading general medical journal, researchers […]

Health Benefits from Green Drinks

Harmonia Deluxe provides an all-natural alternative to processed foods. Ingredients include a wide variety of sprouted seeds and grasses with nutritional integrity and enzymatic activity. The mix also contains antioxidant rich foods such as elderberry, cherry and blueberry, plus phytonutrients such as ginseng and ginger. Green drinks are a simple way to get more live greens […]


Type A (1 beneficials) Type AB (1 beneficials) Type O (0 beneficials)  Kate’s Amaranth WafflesWaffle or pancake recipe that can be adjusted for nearly all types.       Ingredients: 1 cup amaranth* flour 1 cup brown rice flour 1 Tbsp flaxseed meal 1 Tbsp baking powder (homemade: 1 part baking soda, 2 parts cream of tartar, 2 […]

Right for Your Blood Type Multi-Vitamin

If you are taking a daily multivitamin, make sure it is Right For Your Type®.   Polyvite A blood type specific multivitamin formula has been carefully designed by Dr. D’Adamo to reflect the individual health concerns and precise nutritional needs of individuals with blood type A. Polyvite A provides the body’s nutritional requirements when under […]

Daily Cleansing Tea

Now Offering the Doc of Detox Daily Cleansing Tea Spring is here, summer is on the way and it is time to flush out the old and start fresh and one of the best ways to do this is with our Daily Detox Tea! Even more important than losing weight is to just commit to […]

Find the Best Multi-vitamin: 5 Facts Every Educated Consumer Needs to Know. 

Would it surprise you to know that multi-vitamins are the most common dietary supplement used in the U.S., consumed by nearly a third of all adults? When the average person adds a nutritional supplement to their diet, a multi-vitamin is likely to be the first choice, because it feels to them like they’re taking out […]

Avocado Dip Recipe

A flavorful, creamy dip Ingredients: 1/2 avocado 3/4 cup packed cilantro 1/2 cup plain yogurt (or compliant non dairy plain yogurt) 2 scallions washed and cut into large pieces 1 garlic clove 1 T lime juice 1/2 t. any sweetener of your choice, or sugar 1/2 t sea salt How to make it: Put everything […]

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