True Health Trust

Calcium, Magnesium and your Kidneys

One of the most popular minerals in the news today is calcium. We are told to take increased amounts in our diet as a supplement to prevent osteoporosis and eliminate muscle cramping during menstruation or from over-exercising. Yet, calcium alone is not enough. Without magnesium, calcium is not fully utilized, and calcium has under-absorption problems […]

Do you Know your Magnesium Burn Rate?

Are you supplementing with magnesium but haven’t quite experienced a shift in your well-being? If so, gauging your Magnesium Burn Rate is a strategy you can employ to determine how much magnesium you may be burning and whether or not you may actually need more magnesium to manage your daily stressors. Because, ultimately, that is […]

Testimonial Proof that Taking Pico Silver and Remag are beneficial

We received this great testimonial and had to share it with all of you who are interested in how taking Pico Silver and Remag can have on your body. See the what Joan has to say “Great news for anyone who endured years of cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke (either second hand or first hand). […]

How to cope with effects of Time Change on body

Thanks to the time change this past weekend, it likely got easier for you to get out of bed in the morning. But, unfortunately, it can also be harder to get to sleep at night. Farewell, daylight savings time – that span of spring and summer when our governments try to “save light” by moving […]

Magnesium Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory

Chronic inflammation—not cholesterol—is the cause of heart disease. Many doctors and research scientists now believe that most chronic diseases may have the same root cause: inflammation. Chronic low-grade inflammation has been linked to heart attacks, strokes, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer. In a study published in the Lancet,1 the world’s leading general medical journal, […]

Health Benefits Of Feta Cheese

Feta Cheese: Nutrition & Benefits Feta cheese is one of the most popular cheese in the world, and with good reason, but before you add it to every dish, there are a few things you should know. What Is Feta Cheese? Feta cheese is a brined white cheese that comes from sheep’s milk and goat’s milk. Originating in Greece, […]

Fermented Foods

The Blood Type Diet is a great way to reduce inflammation and maximize health. Much of this has to do with lectins, the carbohydrate-binding molecules found in so many different foods. These lectins may react badly with one blood type but have no effect on another. The Blood Type Diet removes foods that are difficult […]

Recipe: Salmon Bean Cakes

Salmon is a beneficial for nearly every blood type and a great source of Omega-3s too. These salmon cakes from our line of Personalized Cookbooks are a delicious and unique way to use this powerhouse ingredient that is not only easy to make but perfect for finger food at parties or packed in a lunch […]

Eat Yourself Calm: 10 Foods That Fight Anxiety

Anxiety can be caused by several internal and external factors, but there’s a natural way to manage it that many people don’t yet know about. The nutritional strategy known as blood sugar balance is a straightforward technique that involves eating fats and proteins at every meal and snack and avoiding sugar and stimulants as much […]

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